Major Release COAL 3.0

COAL 3.0: Robust and Fast Collision Detection and Contact Surface Computation

The COAL v3.0 release (formerly known as HPP-FCL) introduces significant advancements in collision detection and contact surface computation.

This update adds support for contact patches which provide robust surface computation across any pair of shapes (involving for example meshes, sphere, ellipsoid, plane, cone, etc.). Coal also now supports Swept-Sphere primitives. The broadphase algorithm has been extended for better plane and halfspace handling. EPA has been reworked, improving its numerical stability, handling edge-case scenarios, and its computational efficiency. Finally, the library introduces serialization support for collision data, geometries, and bounding volumes, enabling seamless interaction between C++ and Python.

These refinements make COAL v3.0 a robust and efficient tool for high-performance collision detection.

COAL 3.0 Release Note